Creating an Account
  • 21 May 2024
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Creating an Account

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Article summary

So, you’ve done some research and you’re ready to start your application. The next step is to create an account with (if you haven’t already done so).

Your account allows you to:

  • Apply to any of Ontario's public colleges

  • Review and update your college application

  • Request Ontario high school transcripts (from participating schools)

  • Request transcripts from public colleges or universities in Ontario

  • View and accept offers of admission

IMPORTANT: If you already have an account, do not create another one. Log in and start an application.

To create an account:

On the home page of, Apply Now is outlined in red.

  • On the Canadian Applicants card, select Apply Now.

On the Apply Now page, in the Canadian Applicants card on the left, Apply Now is outlined in red.

You can now use either your Google account or a different email address to create and log into your account.

In the Sign up dialog box, choose to sign up with either your Google account or a different email address.

Create an account using your Google account

  • Select Sign up with Google.

In the Sign Up dialog box, Sign up with Google is outlined in red.
  • Enter your Google email address and select Next.

  • Enter your Google password and select Next.

  • The Complete Registration page opens and displays the name from your Google account. If required, update your first and last name to match the name on your legal documents.

Note: You can add your middle name and preferred names later in the application process.

The Complete Registration page, where you verify your first and last name, and select three security questions.

Create an account using your email address

  • Select Sign up with email.

  • On the New User page, in the Account Details section, enter your Legal name and a valid email address. You will be able to add your middle name and preferred names later in the application process.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you complete this information carefully. You cannot change your first name or last name once the account is created.

The Account Details section of the New User page where you enter your name, email address, and create a password for the account.

  • Create and confirm the password for your account.

  • Complete the remaining steps in the account creation process.

Complete the Account Creation Process

  • In the Security Questions section, choose the questions from the list or create your own. Make sure you choose questions and answers that you'll remember later. We use this information to verify your identity if you contact us for help.
  • Select the OCAS Privacy Policy link to read the privacy statement; then select the Personal Information Privacy statement check box.
  • Select Create. You will receive an account activation email message. It will be sent to the address that you used when you created the account.
  • Follow the instructions in the activation email message to activate your new account.

An example of the activation email message that you receive when you create a new account.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.