- 06 May 2024
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Adding Your Education
- Updated on 06 May 2024
- 5 Minutes to read
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The next step in completing your profile is to add details about your education. We encourage you to add all the high school and post-secondary education that you’ve taken.
On the Your Profile page, on the Education card, select Get Started.
The Education page opens.
Under Education Status, select your answer for each question:
Are you currently enrolled in a high school course?
If you select No, the following question is displayed:
Have you graduated from high school or earned a high school equivalency?

To add your education, select Start Declaring Education.
Select the type of education you want to add.

You can add details about the following types of education:
Canadian High School Education – in Ontario or out of province
Canadian College Education – in Ontario or out of province
Canadian University Education – in Ontario or out of province
Academic Upgrading – use this option if the upgrading was completed at a college, otherwise, declare the upgrading under Canadian High School Education
When you’ve finished adding your education, on the Education page, select My Education is Complete. The Your Profile page opens and the schools you entered are listed on the Education card.
Here’s what our example applicant’s profile looks like:

Add an Ontario High School
On the Education page, select Start Declaring Education.
On the New Education page, in the Type of Education list, select Canadian High School Education.
In the Province list, select Ontario.
Select Find an Ontario High School.

Search for the school. In the results, select the school.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you select the correct school. If you choose the wrong school, any transcript requests you make later in the application process might fail. (The associated transcript fee payment is non-refundable.)
Note: If you are a home-schooled student, enter Home and select Home/Private Non-Accredited High School in the list.
Enter the remaining details about this high school education.
OEN and Student Number: If you attended an Ontario high school, these numbers should be on your report card. If you cannot find them, contact the school. If you are a current high school student, the OEN is particularly important; it ensures that your grades are correctly posted to your OCAS account.
Last Name on School Record: If your last name was different when you attended high school, enter it here. This detail helps the school locate your transcripts.

Select Save & Continue or Save & Add Another.
A Note for Current Ontario High School Students ONLY:
Most high schools automatically forward your grades to ontariocolleges.ca.
If you do not see your grades in the Docs or Supporting Documents section of Your Dashboard, contact your guidance counsellor.
Add an Out-of-Province High School
On the Education page, select Start Declaring Education.
On the New Education page, in the Type of Education list, select Canadian High School Education.
In the Province list, select a province.
Select a city and enter the name of the high school.
Enter the remaining details; then select Save & Continue or Save & Add Another.
Add an Ontario College
On the Education page, select Start Declaring Education.
On the New Education page, in the Type of Education list, select Canadian College Education.
In the Province list, select Ontario.
In the Ontario College list, select a college.
IMPORTANT: You must select a college from the list. If you manually enter the name, when you create an application, you will not have the option to submit an online transcript request.
Note: If you cannot find the school in the list, scroll down to the bottom, and select Other.
For example, if you attended a private college in Ontario, select Other and add the details.
Enter the remaining details about the program and when you attended.
Enter your student number. The college will use this number to locate your transcripts.

Select Save & Continue or Save & Add Another.
Add an Out-of-Province College
On the Education page, select Start Declaring Education.
On the New Education page, in the Type of Education list, select Canadian College Education.
In the Province list, select a province.
Enter the name of the college.
Enter the remaining details about the program and when you attended.
Select Save & Continue or Save & Add Another.
Add an Ontario University
On the Education page, select Start Declaring Education.
On the New Education page, in the Type of Education list, select Canadian University Education.

In the Province list, select Ontario.
In the Ontario University list, select a university.
IMPORTANT: You must select a university from the list. If you manually enter the name, when you create an application, you will not have the option to submit an online transcript request.
Note: If you cannot find the school in the list, scroll down to the bottom, and select Other.
For example, if you attended a private university in Ontario, select Other and add the details.
Enter the remaining details about the program and when you attended.
Enter your student number.
Select Save & Continue or Save & Add Another.
Add an Out of-Province University
On the Education page, select Start Declaring Education.
On the New Education page, in the Type of Education list, select Canadian University Education.
In the Province list, select a province.
Enter the name of the university.
Enter the remaining details about the program and when you attended.
Select Save & Continue or Save & Add Another.
Add Academic Upgrading
If you took high school courses through Academic Upgrading at a college in Ontario, you must add this type of education to your profile.
Note: If you completed academic upgrading at a high school in Ontario, you must declare those courses as Canadian High School Education.
On the Education page, select Start Declaring Education.
On the New Education page, in the Type of Education list, select Academic Upgrading.

In the Ontario College list, select a college.
Enter details about when you attended the program.
Enter your student number.
Select Save & Continue or Save & Add Another.
Add International Education
On the Education page, select Start Declaring Education.
On the New Education page, in the Type of Education list, select International Education.

Select the Institution Type and the Country.
Enter the name of the institution.
Enter the remaining details about the program and when you attended.
Select Save & Continue or Save & Add Another.
After you save the new International Education, you will receive a message about International Credit Assessments. A notification about the message is displayed on your dashboard.

The message looks something like this:

For more information about international credential assessments, see Internationally Trained Applicants.
Delete an Education record
If you make an error while entering your education, it might be possible to delete the entry. You can only delete an education record if:
The application fee is unpaid,
You have listed more than one school, AND
You have not previously applied to college.
After the fee is paid, or if you have paid for an application in a previous cycle, you can only make some changes; for example, dates that you attended a school. To make other corrections, contact our Contact Centre by phone or live chat.
To delete an Education record:
On Your Dashboard, select Profile; then select Update Education.
In the Education record that you want to remove, select the Education Actions icon, and select Delete Record.