Completing Your Profile
  • 03 Dec 2024
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Completing Your Profile

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Article summary

Now that you’ve got your account set up and can log in, it’s time to add details about yourself.

Add Personal Information

Start by adding personal details, such as your first language and mailing address.

Note: You cannot change your legal last name, legal first name, or date of birth. If any of these must be corrected, contact our Customer Contact Centre by phone or live chat.

  • On the Personal Information card, select Get Started.

The Your Profile page for the example applicant includes two cards. One for Personal Information, and one for Education.

Basic Information

The Personal Information page opens, where you can add details such as Middle Name or Preferred Name.

Note: You cannot change your first name, last name, or date of birth.

On the Personal Information page, in the Basic Information section, the Legal First name is Mark, the Legal Last name is Dawson, and the Date of Birth is July 14, 2000..

  • (Optional) If you like, you can add the following details:

    • Title

    • Middle names

    • Preferred name – If you have a short name or nickname that you prefer to be called, add it here.

    • Previous legal last name – If your school records or other documents use a different last name, add it here. Otherwise, you can leave it blank.

Note: Your previous legal last name is important for post-secondary transcript requests since you cannot specify a previous legal last name when you declare post-secondary education.

  • Select a Gender Identity and your First Language and indicate whether your parents or guardians attended post-secondary schools.

For the example applicant, Gender Identity is Male and First Language is English. For the question about parents attending university or college, Yes is selected.

Address & Contact

  • Add a valid mailing address, phone number, and email address.

Note: This email address is the one that colleges will use to communicate with you.

In the Address & Contact section, the example applicant's address is verified as valid. His mobile phone number and contact email address are also displayed.

Citizenship & Residency

  • In the Citizenship & Residency section, the Country of Citizenship and Status in Canada that you selected when you created the account are displayed. You can change these details, if required.

In the Citizenship & Residency section, No is the selected response to the question about Indigenous descent.

  • If you are a Canadian Citizen and consider yourself a person of Aboriginal descent, select Yes; then select one of the Aboriginal Ancestry check boxes.

In the Citizenship & Residency section, Yes is the selected response to the Indigenous descent question. None of the indigenous identity check boxes are selected.

  • Select your Country of Birth from the list.


  • Select a Sponsorship response from the list.

Note: Financial aid, such as OSAP, a bursary, or a scholarship you are receiving, is not considered sponsorship.

In the Sponsorship section, the dropdown list is open and No Sponsorship is highlighted.

Applicant Diversity Census

If you choose, you can provide details about yourself relating to equity, diversity, and inclusion – such as ethnic group, religion, or sexual orientation.

A portion of the Applicant Diversity Census page where the purpose for collecting the information is explained.

Read the information carefully and select the check boxes that apply to you. If you choose not to provide details, select Prefer not to answer.

Military Connected Learners

You can indicate that you or a member of your immediate family are a veteran or currently serving in the armed forces.

In the Military Connected Learners section of the Personal Information page, Yes is the selected response.

When you have completed all the sections, select Save & Continue.

Your contact details are displayed on the Your Profile page, on the Personal Information card.

On the example applicant's Your Profile page, his name, date of birth, email address, phone number, and address are displayed on the Personal Information card.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
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